Viewing Article
By default, iPresent will only show you Content Sets which are created in the same language as the language your iPad system is set to.
Enable the following iPresent parameter if you wish to see all available Content Sets regardless of their language. For example, if you wish to see the English and French content within iPresent.
Not sure? It is a good thing to enable this parameter even if you don't think it will be necessary in the short-term.
Start iPresent if it isn't already running (click the iPresent icon on your iPad)
Click on the menu arrow ("<") in top right corner
If your iPad system is set to English:
- Click "Settings" on the menu
- Turn ON the "Show all languages" option
- Click the "< Menu" option at the top of the menu
- Click the "Check for updates" option
If your iPad system is set to French:
- Click "Paramètres" on the menu
- Turn ON the "Afficher toutes les langues" option
- Click the "< Menu" option at the top of the menu
- Click the "Changer le lot de contenu" option
There will be a short pause while iPresent checks for any new content.
Click the Download button on any new content sets or on any content updates that are displayed.
Hint: Downloads can run for a few minutes or a few hours so make sure that your iPad is plugged into its power adaptor and has Wi-Fi network connectivity for downloads.